I hope to portray real life. I've had people say to me "you look like you live in a magazine!,"or "that is so Pinterest!" While these statements are meant as a compliment, I cringe a little. I don't mean to paint the perfect picture. Life isn't perfect. When it comes to social media, for the most part I think we all tend to put our best self out there. Pictures of our happy family vacations, the cute things our kids do, the pretty vignette in our entry way, or the amazing meal we made for dinner are usually the things that make us the happiest and we want to share them. Generally, what we don't share is the screaming and fighting that happened in the back seat on our family vacation, when our kids yell at us, the mess in our family room, and the fast food meal we threw at our kids for dinner. But sometimes that is reality. In fact, most of the time that is reality! And when we can all recognize that others are having those moments of craziness too, life feels better. Because of our human nature we compare ourselves to others. But we tend to compare our worst selves to others' best selves.
Someone once said to me that to me that it seemed like my trials were easier to endure because they were public and therefore I had lots of help and lots of prayers in my behalf and lots of support.
While many of the trials I have had in my life have been public, I have had my share of private trials as well. Things I have never shared with anyone and things I have only shared with close family that have rocked me to the core. We all have have private trials and when we can see that other's do too we play less of the comparison game and more on the side of the support team.
I have learned that you never really know the whole story or the full picture of another's life. And to some degree it's better that way.
What I am trying to say it there are a lot of people who suffer in silence, whose burdens are unknown and whose cries for help are only heard by God. Just because we see a picture of them at the lake in their super cute bikini and tan, toned arms, doesn't mean they have the perfect life. And we don't have to know all the details of their lives in order to love them, or to be happy for them, or to cheer them on. Posts about a good time, doesn't necessarily equal no hard times. These are just highlights!
Off soapbox......
I have welcomed you into my home and my head. So in lieu of that, here is the before and afters of our entryway. The first room you see in the house. MY has it changed!!!! (keep in mind a lot of the pictures I have of the house were from when my mom decorated for Christmas!)
Reality Check! Here is what it looks like most of the time! A pillow who must have been victim to being aimed at another child, backpack that didn't make it past the front door on the last day of school an entire week ago, Lightning McQueen who makes it into every room throughout the day, one flip flip, a teacup, Mickey Mouse, a marker lid(really that one is just strange), a teacup and lego mini-figures.
Still to do to the entryway:
-resand and stain floors (they haven't been redone in over 30 years)
-change railing to something more modern
-possibly paint hand rail and risers black
-replace sconces and chandelier
rug // plant basket // dresser (craigslist) // dresser hardware // vase // art (my mother's original) windows (vintage) // paint is swiss coffee // You Are Here prints
black round box (Goodwill) // cake plate and bust statue (vintage) // no whining banner
So how do you give them that compelling reason? By treating this question as an opportunity for your sales pitch. By thinking about what it is that the interviewer wants in a candidate and what it is that they need to hear.
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This sample answer addresses the company’s brand and history, but also demonstrates that the candidate took the time to do some additional research through his network (read on for some tips on how to research companies before you interview). The answer goes on to emphasize the candidate’s interest in working hard and developing on the job.
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